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Research Goals:

  1. To find out the current ease-of-use of the application and identify the core-flows that need attention.
  2. To identify user pain-points and systemic issues (bugs) while using the core flow of the application.
  3. To find out the potential impact of new feature ideas and generate an order of priority.


Currently, the product is the growth stage, which presents the following constraints:

  1. There is an existing user database
  2. Need to test the efficacy of the current application
  3. Need to apply evaluative research methods
  4. Need to consider both Business KPIs and Performance KPIs

Testing Plan:

Test Research Goals Type of Study Study Details Deployment Strategy + Requirements
Contextual Inquiry (Sprint 0) - To identify the major pain points in the overall app experience.

-To identify the core flows that need attention | Moderated In-person interviews | 30 minutes (First part of a 1 hour session) | Interviewer + Note Taker + Participant | | Usability Testing | - To identify gaps in the core flow.

Recruitment + Testing Details:

User Types and Sampling Markers:

Considering Whatsapp as a reference, the user groups of a mobile communication application can be categorized in a multitude of ways. The first discovery stage of finding participants will include:

  1. Active Whatsapp users (daily usage for more than 3 months)